It’s August and it’s hot ‘round here but we’re not complaining! After long days in our orchards, in our drying facilities and in our little country office, we enjoy family time. This usually means kicking back outside with our rescue dog Mercy napping peacefully at our feet and our grandchildren playing in the shade of the trees. If it’s really hot we might have the sprinkler on to cool all of us off! Life is good and we are reminded of this each time we pause, breathe and take note of the good fortune we have to be here doing this. We hope you have summertime moments that bring you joy, contentness and a feeling of wellbeing. These blissful moments are gifts that stretch far beyond what a paycheck can offer!
Getting that feeling of wellbeing can oftentimes include food. For us, food is part of love. And good quality healthy food is our way of sharing our love with our family and valued customers.
When August hits, we enjoy the bounty of fruit that we and our grower-partners harvest. Right now, we’re gorging on our Certified Organic Yellow Peaches. Since mid-July, we and our harvesting specialists have been out in our orchards before sunrise to harvest our prized Angelus variety. These Peaches are grown in an estate orchard that’s been in the family since 1987. It’s a pretty uncommon variety that we grow and dry it for its incredible flavor, sweetness, texture, aroma and showy pink-blushy hue.

What’s also worth mentioning is that our Peaches are grown incorporating regenerative farming methods, including composting any trimmings, ground wood or unharvestable fruit right back into the ground. This creates healthier soil that feeds the trees and holds moisture during the hot, dry summertime. Want to see a little video about us doing some regenerative farming? Just click here to our regenerative peach orchard in progress that will make its first harvest in 2027. It’s a designation we’ve been working on earning for some time now and we’re excited to give you a heads-up that it’s coming. Mark your calendars if you share in our excitement!
Back to harvest time in our Certified Organic Yellow Peach orchard, our harvesting specialists get out three to four times during the season to only select the fruits that are optimal for picking. They pick them by hand and quietly whisk them off to gondolas where they are pulled by our family’s old tractor to be collected to make the short ride down the country road to our drying facility. While we’re talking about a short period of harvest time during the year, it actually takes 365 days a year to get ready for that harvest. We’re talking about pruning, thinning, watering, feeding and all the other tending that goes into bringing you what we think are some of the greatest Peaches on earth. We are grateful for our employees and Mother Nature for making this possible!

Depending on how much we harvest and how much you, our dear customers, need, we may supplement our Peaches with those grown from nearby farmers who share our family and farming values.
And did we say Whole Dried Strawberries? We sure did! These are a natural noshable fruit to enjoy out in the yard after a long day and our grandchildren love ‘em! We love them, too, actually. These chewy, plump and tangy berries are harvested from spring through summer. These GMO-free and additive-free fruits are considered to be superfruits by many experts due to their nutritional content and health benefits. If you’re curious about their virtues, we invite you to jump on your favorite search engine after reading this to see for yourself. What we love is how versatile they are. As we said, they are totally snackable. And they’re not just for backyard snacking! They are also a perfect fit for any meal from breakfast through dessert. Yes, toss a big handful into a spinach salad with some feta and wait for your family and friends to swoon. Think about adding them to your trail mix or chop and add them to your oatmeal cookies for a creative spin. The possibilities are countless!
There’s a lot to celebrate about our Whole Dried Strawberries and Certified Organic Yellow Peaches, including the fact that August 27 is National Peach Day! Yes, if you want to do it right with your celebration you’ve still got time to grab a bag or two or three of our Certified Organic Yellow Peach Slices. To make the deal sweeter, from now through the end of August you’ll enjoy a nice 25 percent discount on them, which means they’re just $12.74 per pound right now. And to celebrate those Dried Whole Strawberries, now’s the time to pounce on the opportunity to enjoy them for just $19.49 per pound. That’s 35 percent off their usual price. Check your pantry and plan some meals around more of this month’s items on special! From now through the end of August, enjoy 10 percent off our Certified Organic Dried Pineapple Rings, Certified Organic Dried Mangos, Certified Organic Pistachios (Raw, No Shell), Certified Organic Raw Cashews, Certified Organic Pepitas (No Shell Pumpkin Seeds) and Certified Organic Mixed Fruit.
So enjoy these summer evenings, make them sweet and memorable and enjoy this month’s savings. Family, dog and sprinkler are optional but recommended!