As you ring in the new year you might have made some resolutions such as eating more healthfully or trying something new. If you made these resolutions, then lucky you, ‘cause Bella Viva Orchards can help you fulfill both of these goals! That’s right, friends, this month we’re excited to announce that we’re releasing our NEW Certified Organic Sweet Apple Chips!
There are a lot of great things about these Apple Chips. Like, they’re organic. Gotta love that! Like we’ve said before, if you have a choice between a beautiful, flavorful Apple and a beautiful, flavorful Certified Organic Apple, wouldn’t you rather go organic? Oh yeah! That may be enough reason to add them to your health-focused diet, but if you want even more reasons you might want to know that we produce our Certified Organic Sweet Apple chips from upcycled fruit.
How’s that? Upcycling is a form of “rescuing” fruits and we’ve been doing it as long as we’ve been producing dried fruits for you. Upcycling honors the earth, her laborers and resources by rescuing perfectly nutritious but less than perfect for fresh market apples from contributing to food waste. Think about this, every pound of upcycled dried apples took about 400 gallons of water (the water to grow the crop) on the farm to produce. Then think about all the fuel, farm inputs and labor that may have been wasted if these perfectly wonderful but aesthetically challenged apples were not put to good use.
Regenerative Farming Practices
Another virtuous thing about these beautiful fruits is that they are grown using regenerative practices. Regenerative practices go way beyond organic certification. It’s about regenerating soil biodiversity that has diminished over decades of less than optimal farming practices. It's about the treatment of our people and genuine love for our earth and a lot more. These practices include composting seeds, stems and other trimmings right back into the soil and returning native plants and reintroducing beneficial fungi and bacteria to the soil. It’s like treating the soil as a living organism and developing a symbiotic relationship with it so both earth and humans can thrive in a long-term mutual and sustainable relationship.
And as far as health benefits go, one serving of these Apples provides you with 16 percent of your dietary fiber needs for the day, which experts say may help reduce cholesterol absorption, especially with women. Want more scientific evidence? Jump on your favorite search engine and you’ll find plenty of reasons to enjoy them.
To celebrate the release of our NEW Certified Organic Apple Chips and to get you even more excited about stocking up on this honorably-produced fruit, we’re offering them for a healthy 25 percent off from now through the end of this month. That’s just $13.49 per pound! Happy New Year and happy new Apples to you!