Prunes. There’s just so much to love about them! They’re cute, wrinkly, plump and sweet. They’re also insanely good for you. But you already know that, right?! Organic or not, Prunes are linked to many health benefits such as bone health and digestive function. And they’re just packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. They have so many health benefits that they’re considered to be a superfood. Whether or not you eat them just for their health benefits, it’s a big plus that they’re so doggone tasty!
If you’ve read our newsletters for a while, you know that we released our first harvest of estate-grown Certified Organic Prunes in 2021. Growing these Prunes and tending the land is truly a labor of love for us. Our Certified Organic Prune orchard is a place of health and healing. How’s that? We know you get the health part but here’s where the healing comes in: After World War II, synthetic chemicals became widely used in commercial farming. While the chemical revolution led to cheaper food production, the earth, our soils and the environment paid a price. Now it’s up to us to feed the earth and help it heal. We’re on it and we’re doing just that.
We grow our Certified Organic Prunes using regenerative practices. This includes mulching tree cuttings right back into the earth without burning them or hauling them off. We also plant cover crops around these trees. These cover crops do so much to benefit the trees, including retaining precious moisture and putting nutrients in the soil. These regenerative practices are so healing that we are actually returning the quality of the soil back to where it was before synthetic chemicals were introduced! Another benefit of incorporating regenerative farming practices? Due to the healing qualities of mulching, using cover crops and reducing carbon emissions, it is actually healthier to farm the land than to leave it fallow, or unplanted. Don’t you just love that? And now here we are in Prune harvest ready to share the nutritious, earth-loving fruits with you!
Now that you have extra knowledge about some really good things that are happening in our world today, celebrate by picking up some of our Certified Organic Dried Pitted Prunes for a very nice 40 percent off, or just $5.99 per pound from now through the end of October. Be sure to pick up an extra bag and make a very tasty batch of Savory Prune Chicken for your family or company. Or go sweet and enjoy them at breakfast, tuck a baggie of them into the kiddos’ lunch boxes, or simmer them and serve with your favorite topping for dessert. (Insert yummy sounds now.)

Since you’re celebrating, don’t put your party hat away quite yet, ‘cause from now through the end of this month, you can pick up any quantity of our Certified Organic Dried Persimmons, Certified Organic Thompson Seedless Raisins, Certified Organic Dried Sweet Apples, Certified Organic Trail Mix, Certified Organic Raw Almonds and Certified Organic Pecans (Shelled) all for 10 percent off. And now we have a news flash: Now that the cooler weather has finally arrived, all things Chocolate can now be shipped, and you’ll enjoy a nice 10 percent off any of our Chocolate products ‘til the end of this month. Celebrate the earth, celebrate the savings and celebrate the Certified Organic Prune harvest, friends!